Joomla Template" Features Full List:
- Material Design;
- Gantry 5 Framework, which supports Drag and Drop Layout Manager, Visual Menu Editor, MegaMenu, Powerful Particle System and much much more!
- Responsive layout;
- UNLIMITED Modules Positions;
- 8 predefined color styles, but in Gantry 5 you can create UNLIMITED Color Styles;
- Unique Left Panel, Right Panel, Search Panel, Top Panel, Overlay Panel sections, where you can publish anything you want. It also can work as a Joomla Module Positions;
- 48+ Typography Elements: Headings, Columns, Highlights, Dropcaps, Blockquotes, Lists, Tables, Inputs, Textareas, Checkboxes, Radios, Switches, Selects, Separators, Shadows, Buttons, Waves, Tabs, Accordions, Toggles, Dropdowns, Dialogs, Pricing Tables, Cards, Message Boxes, Social Icons, Tooltips, BS Buttons, BS Modals, BS Dropdowns, BS Popovers, BS Carousels, CSS Animations, Flip Boxes, Parallax, Lightboxes, Image Hovers, Hotspots, Carousels, Testimonials, Icon Lists, Icon Boxes, Counters, Progress Bars, Process Steps, Pies, Charts, Line Graphs;
- 11+ Unique Gantry 5 Particles: Call To Actions, Features Intros, Clients, Container Tabs, Galleries, Portfolios, Teams, Testimonials, Carousels, Pricing Tables, Statistics;
- Included our 4 Premium Joomla Modules: JF Owl Slider, JF Mobile Menu Pro, JF Google Maps and JF AjaxChimp;
- 16+ Predefined Pages: Default, Social Network, Business, Agency, App, Fitness, Fashion, TV-Shows, Portfolio, FAQ, About Us, Gallery, Services, Contact, Blog, Search;
- 2 beautiful lightboxes - PhotoSwipe and VenoBox;
- Supports Twitter Bootstrap elements: Buttons, Modal, Dropdown, Popover, Carousel;
- Supports Material and Font-Awesome Icons;
- Special features: IE Warning (For IE10 and under), Smooth Scroll, Sticky Header, Preloader, Scroll Top Button, Syntax Highlighter;
- RTL language support;
- Included Demo Quickstart Package - a clone of our demo site (3-rd party "Paid" products and images ARE NOT included, for example "Community Builder Paid Extensions" or stock videos/photos);
"Community Builder Template" Features Full List:
- Supports "Community Builder" Addon - GroupJive;
- Supports "Community Builder" Addon - CB Activity;
- Supports famous PM extension - uddeIM;
- Has unique layout for "CB Login" module;
- Our Community Builder Theme has Unique Mobile Toolbar;
- Community Builder Theme has Unlimited Colors feature, where you can easily edit theme colors;
- Google WebFont feature, where you can attach any Google font;
"Kunena Template" Features Full List:
- Unique Left Panel, Right Panel and Search Panel Kunena Module Positions;
- Category Icons Changer - Easily change category font-icons from "Kunena Template Manager";
- Supports RTL languages;
- Unlimited Colors feature;
- Google WebFont feature